Templo Mayor


What we are talking about here is the center of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan. More on the subject here and here.


The Templo Mayor Ruin



We will see serpents everywhere. This is on the outermost, and thus, latest contruction phase



The Frog Altar


We are looking at one of the earliest construction phases, the main temple platform, once deeply buried under the others
Here is a view of how the construction phases were like nesting Russian dolls, going from left, earlierst, to the newest on the right



A Chuckmool. The vessel is assumed to have been for parts of sacrifices, hearts and such.



Entrance to the House of the Eagles
Remember him, he's the God of Death. We will see his actual statue in the museum


A close-up of the intricate decorations in the House of the Eagles




Continuing on to the museum...


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